Woodland Management
To benefit, diversify or enhance the overall quality of a woodland, physical management practices or long-term management plans are implemented. Depending on the individual species, stratiphication or status of a woodland, there are a variety of management techniques that can be applied to achieve a long-term objective. These are:
Clear-felling is the entire removal of a large group of trees within an area. The purposes of clear-felling are site-specific and should always achieve a benefit to the defined area. For example, the removal of exotic or unwanted vigorous tree species to restore, establish and promote favourable areas of land that could accommodate the establishment of native vegetation that would secure or enhance long-term amenity and conservation.
Coppicing is an ancient woodland management and pruning technique that involves cutting a tree within 12 inches of the ground, resulting in the regeneration of new stems from the base or 'stool'. Traditionally, this practice was applied to broadleaf trees for the purpose of a continuous supply of timber. It is also commonly used for rejuvenating and regenerating trees and shrubs, as such management reduces the requirement of stored energy from the tree or shrub's already established root system.
Haloing of veteran specimens
Haloing is typically used for the rejuvenation of native veteran or significant historical trees that have been suppressed or dominated by younger vigorous tree stocks. Consequently, these younger tree stocks suffocate the veteran specimen by reducing its ability to photosynthesise, thereby adversely affecting its vitality. Haloing removes a ring of these younger tree stocks from the immediate area surrounding the canopy of the veteran tree. Subsequently, this allows the veteran tree new areas of space and light that, in turn, promote the establishment of new growth and enhance increased energy prospects.
Stem-laying or hedge-laying is a traditional management practice that allows a line of individual trees or shrubs that are separated to be unified and managed into one continuous hedge. This is achieved by cutting half-way to two-thirds of the way through the vertical parent stem and laying it horizontally onto the ground. This technique ensures that part of the tree's vascular system remains intact in order to continue to supply the stem with water and return sugars to the root stock. Consequently, the parent stem then regenerates to form secondary stems that can be re-layed and managed rotationally in the future.
Forests or woodlands, both recent and historic, will range in density and maturity. Not all trees within areas such as these are desireable, and if left unmanaged, have the potential to adversely affect the quality or diversity of otherwise wanted trees. Therefore, the removal of these unwanted trees by way of 'thinning out' a forest or woodland is essential for managing and maintaining these areas of land. For example, in a forestry setting, this is applied to promote the development of good timber stock for commercial purposes. In a woodland setting, this can be used to reduce the establishment of invasive species that have the potential to affect the continued retention of fully-mature trees growing at a slower rate.
Tree planting and management plans
The planting of new trees or shrubs is essential for securing long-term future conservation and amenity value. Considerations for the establishment of new trees and shrubs within any area are always site-specific, and such factors will affect what can be planted. For this reason, tree and shrub species are available from nurseries in a range of sizes and forms. As a general rule, the larger the planting, the greater the care required to achieve its ultimate establishment. Therefore, the implementation of tree planting management plans is crucial for defining the planting method, physical supports, irrigation and continued maintenance required for the establishment of any tree stock.
As a result of undertaking forestry operations, we are able to supply timber cut to your specification. Please see our 'Sawmilling' page.